Pro Fitness Model : Transformation Coach : Fitness Author

How did you get started with fitness modeling?

Growing up, I’ve always had a passion for being physical and active, and therefore channelled my energy into ways which would benefit me. I started out playing competitive football and training on the field and for me it went hand in hand with lifting weights in the gym. Training in the gym has truly changed my life, and I always look to branch my skills and talents into new things I haven’t experienced before, which ultimately lead me to fitness modeling. From fashion show runways to competing with the best in the fitness industry, my confidence and abilities have grown exponentially and today the drive is more alive than ever before.

Where does your motivation come from?
My motivation comes from the changes I see people making in their own lives, just by watching my videos. The feedback I receive is the most amazing feeling and keeps me driven when I know I have the ability to make a difference in peoples lives. I now take it as a responsibility and continue to motivate people, because that’s what motivates me.
What workout routine has worked best for you?

High Intensity Training has worked very well. Low rest period to keep the heart rate elevated, therefore burning more fat. I do lots of sets in a short period of time, and every one to two times per week I will include weight vest circuits, into my routine, to really burn the fat off.
If you have to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

Dips: They stimulate your chest, shoulders, triceps and even back stabilizer muscles.
Pullups: They primarily work your back, arms, and shoulders.
Squats: They work your legs and core.

With those three exercises, every muscle in the human body is being recruited.

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